Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weeding is Fun????

Here is a picture I received in the mail from his Mission President.
So I thought we weren't getting an email letter this week, yet here is one a day later than usual.

I have no idea what is up with the mother´s day phone call. I´ll have to ask someone who speaks english. Itll be on the 9th.
Holy COW, that is a waaaaaay long time to wait...July 28th??? wow. (Referring to friend who is being postponed going to MTC once again.)

I didn´t get moved anywhere, so Im still in Belen with a new companion however. Elder Morales from Costa Rica, he is also the new DL. I think he is gonna be a hard worker. I sent off a letter yesterday with some pictures, hopefully it gets to you in time. I´ll write a letter this week but Im not sure where to send it. So yeah. We didn´t get any packages or letters this week either due to transfers

We had a service project this week in the chacra, which is basically a little farm, but it was a half hour walk from town and just in the middle of now where. We basically took out a bunch of rocks from their field and attacked weeds with a machetti (that was the fun part) It was a lot of work, and I think we are doing it again this week. (Time to invest in a machete, I guess!)

I took a picture of their guinea pigs, they are HUGE! Holy cow! I didn´t know those critters could get so big

Im going to be working really hard this transfer because I really want some success as far as baptisms go. I know that the results dont matter as much as the effort but with great effort comes great results!

These two are ready to be baptized have a really strong testimony, their mom is a member but the dad is super Baptist and wants them to be baptized baptist. We met with huim on saturday and resolved a few more of his doubts but still no permission. We going to work really hard with him this week, and hopefully get it!
I love you all and I cant wait to talk to you in not too long :)


  1. Hey Elder Connole!! How are you?? I hope you're having a great time... we miss you a lot and can't wait to see you soon... I really like the pic... can't believe that my brother is taller than me =(... well do you remember you asked me for the marinera video... ok I'll try to send it to you with another marinera presentations but I don't know how, it's difficult, but I gave some things to Elder Morales, a letter and 2 videos of peruvian dances but he told me that you'll probably receive it at the end of your mission... If you go to Tacna let us know please so we can visit you ok?? My family wish you the best and be always as great as you are... one os the best missionaries ever!!
    P.S. Miss our talks in english!!

  2. Hi again!! well my mom said that if you give us your family adress we can send the videos directly so it depends on you ok??... we keep working on the baptism but I don't think it is getting any better but good news... we are traveling to the temple on july with my father... I'm so excited... well I'd nice to have an answer... keep working hard =)... see ya... bye!!
