Monday, April 4, 2011

Yes! No!

Thanks for sending me that bit about how missionaries are only baptizing on average 4 people a year per was quite humbling to hear that. As a mission we baptized a record amount of people this month, (163) and 5 of those were ours, and in the zone we had 27! So that was way cool.

As far as my glasses go the reason Ive been wearing them is that often times in the mornings I havent had time to put in the contacts lol, we finish up whatever we can do of study and then we rush off to a meeting or an apointment or whatever it is. haha but i got them in today and I think things are gonna calm down this week

Way way way good conference, even though we were hoping for a temple announced here in Arequipa and it didnt happen, I still really liked the conference. We are gonna work extra hard so that we can hear the announcement in october. Thats our goal as a mission anyways. I loved priesthood session that was amazing. and the best part of it all is that we got to watch it in ENGLISH!!! yes!

Anyways we had a way cool expierence this week. We had been teaching an 18 year old girl who we had found contacting and turns out we baptized her cousin my first week here...anyways she was kinda being iffy on the whole baptism thing and going to church because she was just fine being catholic. So we were gonna give her a bit of a break before we went back and tried again. Just after we made that decision the phone rings and its the girl´s aunt who had set up a FHE with her family and the girl, so we were like alright cool lets do it. (this never happens that the members call us because they had set up an apt with an investigator) So we get there and they had the tv set up and everybody there ready to go, we were kinda surprised that her mom let her go because they are super catholic. anyways so we started watching a DVD called Introduction to the Church but we had to book it early because we had a meeting with the stake president. So we left them with the dvd and said yeah we´ll check how it went tomorrow, chow.

We go back the next day and we talked with her to see how it went and I asked her if she had any questions about what she had seen or anything. She asks us what all does getting baptize entail and how long does it usually take. So I explained it real quick about having faith and repenting and going to church and praying and then asked her why she had asked us that, and she was like well...I think that watching the movie and talking with my family has shown me that this is the true church...WOOHOO!! She asked me how soon she get baptized and i was like, uh how does next week sound...she was like alright cool sounds good. Way cool

But then comes sunday morning and her parents wouldnt let her go to the conference, her family members went to pick her up and the parents just wouldnt let her go...NOOOOOOOO

But yeah we are gonna work really hard with her and her parents so that she can fulfill her desire

Im outta time so cya

Elder Patrik Connole

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