Monday, October 3, 2011

General Conference and General Hospital :(

Haha yeah we were all pretty excited about the Peru talk, its amazing how much progress Peru is making. Especially in Lima, that place has just boomed. But we are now the 2nd highest baptizing mission in Peru, we have gone from last place in all of the area from when I entered the mission to the 4th best in the area. Miracles are happening in Arequipa, we have up until now baptized enough people for a whole new stake. The stake I was last in is going to divide this month so that means we are 1 step closer to getting a temple. 
I really loved Elder Holland´s talk in Priesthood Session, wow, POWERFUL. and yeah I was definitely the only missionary in the whole "Gringo room"  (aka we gotta watch in english) that was taking any notes on Elder Anderson´s talk haha. I also like the talk by Tad Callister about the Book of Mormon. I wish that all of my investigators could have been there.  And the talk by McMullin about changing our teaching to be aligned with how the Holy Ghost teaches. That was a very good talk that I think will help us missionaries to be to teach with and by the Holy Ghost because he is the real teacher and he is the one makes the conversion process come to pass. 
So I was on a medical treatment for a while to see if  it could kill off a supposed infection that I have. But the treatment didnt do anything so I got a colonoscopy (I have no idea how to spell that basically they ran a video camera through my intestines) and they didnt find anything obviously wrong. So they took out some biopsies and they will have the results like on thursday. So yeah, I guess we will see what happens with that. 
I also need like $10 because somebody passed me a fake bill and I didnt catch it on time sooooo yeah that comes out of finances from the house...oops. You´d think I´d have all these bills down by now but I´m still living in a foreign land haha so yeah if you could get that to me that´d be great.
So this week Presidente Fernandez decided that it would be important for us to study an extra hour in companionship study for the next 3 months (aka pretty much all the rest of my mission haha) every day. Including P-day, Weekly planning days, and Sundays. Wow it is a TON of study but it will be good because reall ymost missionaries don´t study like they should and its something that we must do. We cannot declare the Lord´s word unless we have studied it right? So that is why we are writing an hour later now. But with that he did give us another 15 minutes to write the family! woot!  So now we have an hour of internet time. Which is definitely good now that B will be in the MTC starting next week. 
Haha now I dont know what all to write since I have more time. I might be able to start giving some day by day play back like Sp does. Yeah I can do that.
So Monday was...all day in the hospital waiting on Doctors to show up and tell that they dont know whats wrong and need to do more tests. Ugh I hate clinics they told made us waste our P-day. Not cool. 
Tusday we taught Kathy (a recent convert) the commandments again. It was a really good lesson because she remembered everything so it was really quick and simple. Then contacted like crazy men and picked up a few good apts. Went looking for some people that we had taken out appointments but they were not there, so we kept looking but really we just didnt have much success. 

Then we went down to were a member (José who is completely blind) was going to present us to a family and do a FHE in his house. Well its kind of a house. Its basically a small room, and a bathroom. It was very neat and cozy but so tiny. Anyways so we hooked up the television that he has (which funny enough doesnt have image on the screen, just audio) and we "watched" part of the Joseph Smith Restoration show. haha he was so excited that we would "watch" a movie with him. We just kinda sat there and smiled. We had to leave ahalf way through the movie and go to a "meeting" with the stake president. This stake president is just a funny dude. Like he just distracts himself automatically and starts talking about his family or his mission experiences or other things like that. But usually we can bring the convesation back to missionary work here in his stake and geta few things done.
Wednesday we had the multizona where Presidente Fernandez told us about the 2 hours a day companionship study and talked about the importance of study. That took up most of the day and so we didnt get much done.
Thursday we did our weekly planning, and then we studied and then we rushed around for our apointments, wehich most of them fell through. Bah. and we passed by all of our new converts to make sure that they would go to general conference. We found most of them and I think most all of them went.
Friday was all day at the hospital. Yeah I think I´ll skip that day.
Saturday was GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!! Yay! We watched the first session in spanish because the english transmission wasnt coming in. Which is fine for me becuase I understand spanish just about as well as english but for some of the newer elders and the new sister we have it was a little tougher. Thankfully they got it fized for the rest of the sessions. We ordered pizza in between the morning and afternoon sessions. Domino´s pizza is sooo good here in Peru. Yeah good food for a good gringo day. After the afternoon session the Elders from Congata had 3 baptisms. The dad of a new convert and a mom and her daughter. It was a fun service because the whole zone stayed for the baptism as well as quite a few of the branch members. Congata is getting really close to move up to a ward, so that will be way cool when that happens.
Sunday was more of the general conference, we had 3 investigators show up for the morning session and we went to go get some more for the 2nd but they all couldnt go. so that was disappointing. But we will keep working. I just wish that more people could have gone and listened to the prophet and apostles and be just as spirtually edified as I was.
We kept working with Kevin who is getting baptized this week, we watched a movie about John Tanner on the D&C 4 disc set, and talked about keep the sabbath day holy, he commited to it and wants to be baptized on saturday. He is so cool and I will tell you more about him next week when I have a little bit more time
Love ya
Elder Patrik Connole  

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