Monday, October 24, 2011


Sounds like his Mission President thought he was feeling good enough for a transfer.  We'll just pray that he keeps feeling better and better!

So ya I got changed. I am now in a fishing city called Ilo, its about 5 hours away from Arequipa. My new companion is E. Ramirez, also from Lima, like E. Sulcaray but a different part. I actually kinda guessed that I would be coming here, so I wasnt too surprised about the call. And the good thing about being Zone Leader is that you usually have a pretty good idea of who your companion will be. So yeah I will be here for 2 transfers and wow, then Im done. I know a lot of the Elders and Sisters already too, so it should be pretty easy to gain their confidence and get to work. 

Ilo tends to be kinda like Hunter where one month they do really good and the next month not quite as good, so we will be taking a look at that and see how we can get that to change so that we are baptizing every month.

Im gonna miss E. Sulcaray and all the cool people I met in Hunter. We had quite a bit of success over there and I dont see any reason why that shouldnt continue. And E. Ramirez and I will be having success here too. That I do know to be true.

Lets see so while I was there in Berlin we had a video night, where the ward, not us of course, watched a movie called Mr. Poppers Penguins, which I guess is a funny family oriented movie. The good part about it for us was that we got some references and we were able to bring a less active family that has a 9 year old son who hasnt been baptized yet, come. We also got free popcorn, soda and salchiconos. You know me, I like free food haha, actually I think all missionaries in general like free food haha. We had about 45 people there and I guess it turned out well from what the members told us. We didnt stick around very long after grabbing our snacks. The ´Lords work never stops. 

On Sunday it was also really nice because in my last Ward Council most of the council members, including Carlos who is now the new 1st counselor in the YM presidency, expressed their thanks and love for what I had done in the ward to help it progress. I had no idea that they felt some much love for me. They all committed to help E. Sulcaray out a lot more and to take care of the people in their organizations that we had baptized.

Anyways I dont have much time this week because of the transfers but I will have a better letter next week

Love ya

Elder Patrik Connole

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