Monday, June 21, 2010

A Baptism

Above, Patrik with President & Sister Davis before they head back home.
Patrik with Elder Chaca.
At the plaza in Arequipa.

Hey do you think you could send me a copy of what you wrote down from when Pres. Richardson set me apart?

This week was a very spirtual week, I witnessed several miracles and several answers to prayers. On Monday, we had a lesson planned with Marco Antonio but when we got there, he wasn´t there. So after debating for a bit E. Chaca and I decided to offer up a prayer. We prayed individually and we both got a distinct impression that we needed to stay put. Within 5 minutes Marco arrived and we were able to teach him. It was amazing.

Over the next couple days we taught him the rest of the lessons, and got him ready to be baptized. Saturday was the day of the baptism. We cleaned the baptismal font, started the filling process, went to our morning appointments, ate lunch and got to the chapel once again at about 115 or so. 200 is the baptism, after getting everything set up, we threw the disc around until about 220, when members started arriving. about 230 everyone was there except for Marco. So my companion took off with a member to go find him. About 300 my companion arrives...with MARCO!!! Yay!

Anyways first off they had some talks and what not, and the whole time i´m thinking, wow. Heavenly Father sure has put a lot of trust in a 20 year old kid to baptize and fulfill this covenant with the Lord so that he can live eternally in the presence of God. I really have the authority to do!

Then came the the moment of truth. I was very nervous as I got to the steps but as soon as my feet touched the water it was all forgotten...mostly because the water was ice cold but hey.

Anyways we went through with the baptism, Marco felt the spirit super strong, as did the rest of us. He gave a great testimony about how he had made a promise to the Lord that he would bring many souls unto him a few years back, and that now he could actually do it.

He repeated these feelings after being confirmed and ordained to the office of a priest. This past week was one of the most spiritual of my life. Friday we also had a Multi Zone conference, with a lot of tears because it was the last one for President and Sister Davis. And we also had a very powerful lesson with the Branch President´s mother.

All in all it was an amazing week. and now I´m going to send you some pics

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