Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hey thanks for the pics. And thanks to Dad for the sports updates! Oh man my mind is going for a loop right now!

Ok...back to the missionary world.

This week we had our christmas devotional with the president. It was pretty fun because we had 3 zones there, one of which was my old one so I got to see my whole old zone and talk with them for a bit.

Oh it was kinda funny because the President gave us permission to go home for Christmas and we all we like wha? really??? then he was like "in your minds!" haha. But then I realized that I couldn´t do that because I don´t even know what my home really looks oh well I guess thats just how it goes.

My zone was in charge of giving a presentation of the birth of Christ according to the Bible while Selva Alegre was in charge of the presentation of the birth of Christ in the BOM. They both went over really well. A greenie elder was assigned to be the Angel Gabriel but at the last moment he flaked out and handed it to me like a day before. I made a valient effort to memorize all the lines and I almost pulled it off but I I totally blanked on one part. Haha. But it turned out really good, at the end we had everyone sing Joy to the World (Regocijad Jesus Nació). In Spanish the first verse "al recibir al rey" which means "to recieve the king" instead of "repeat the sounding joy" so we had King Herod come out and throw a tantrum shouting "But I´m the king!" hahaha

This week my comp and I gave the talks in sacrament meeting. Elder Muñoz talked about the importance of good traditions and related it to missionary work and I talked about how we have the new message of "good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people" and that like the shepherds of old we too can go out and tell everyone that Christ really worked miracles, that He suffered and died for us, that He was resurrected on the 3rd day, and that today He is guiding His restored church through a living prophet.

It was a good day to talk about all that too because we had 6 investigators at church. One whose wife is a member and so are his kids and he has been going to church for 17 years and is too scared of change to get baptized. With another her husband is a member but she doesn´t want us to visit her until January. One is our baptism for friday, Sebastian Calderon, he is 9 years old and soooo excited for his baptism. His mom is a member, RM but the Dad (from Japan) is not a member and nor does he want to be. another one is a kid who lives in the room right next to us but he is going home soon and is recovering from an injury he suffered while working in the mines, and the last 2 are part of the family that own the house. The dad and the son who went to the stake conference. Really, really cool family we are hoping they all get baptized here pretty quick

Well times up...

TALK TO YOU AT CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elder Patrik Connole

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