Monday, July 11, 2011

Upcoming Baptisms

(In response to his brother getting his mission call)

WAHOO!!! Thats AWESOME!!!! Finally!!! haha.

Way cool. I cant hardly even write now because I´m so excited.

I need more BFC por favor, its not super urgent or anything but I dont have anymore left.

Oh yeah and I just realized that the mission is planning on sending me home to AZ with President Richardson, and that wouldnt very good lol. Can you send me the new ward/stake info. I need the ward name, bishop´s name, stake name and the stake preisdent´s name. And I need the new home address and the phone number too. Otherwise they will be sending me to good ol´ AZ

Anyways this week for me was fairly interesting we had Zone Leader council where we talked about hope and what that really is. So we will be trying to apply that in the zone. We had a planning session/zone meeting from 9 am to 4 pm (w/out lunch...I almost died, thankfully we were able to find some Doritos). So we didnt work that much this week BUT we did have 4 people at sacrament meeting. 3 of which we brought ourselves. One lady, Julia Huanca loved it! She stayed for the whole 3 hours and really felt the spirit, so much that she commited to bring her 18 and 13 year old kids. YES! I smell some baptisms coming up!

Another guy that we brought is 40 year old bachelor Marcos. He is a pretty rich guy and is covered in tatoos but he really wants to get baptized. We arent sure if he really understands what all it implies, but we will be talking with him quite a bit this week to make sure he gets it.

The other one was a 15 year old kid named Christofer, he is really cool and has a testimony of the church and of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and everything BUT this was the first time we got him to church, stinkin kid, but he came and also stayed for the whole thing but he really liked it a lot. Now we just gotta go get permission and we could dunk him this week.

We went on splits on sunday with the YM president and a kid who is going on the mission soon, I went with the YM president who just got back from the mission and was assitant for 3 months. Anyways long story short we found this 17 year old kid and the kid is soooo excited to baptized that he wants to do it ASAP. So we depending on if his parents are cool or not we´ll get him baptized too.

Love ya all

Elder Patrik Connole

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