Thursday, March 4, 2010

Temple Trip

Ok so they finally got a timer on the computers so for how long you can be on and I can´t send pictures once again so it´ll have to wait until I´m in the field

We didn´t get to go proselyting this week because of that earthquake in Chile so all the the coastal area where we usually go to was preparing for an aftershock tidal wave. Nothing really happened though so everyone here in Peru is fine.

Sundays are so much more so nicer now that I´m not a DL or ZL so I don´t have to go to a bajillion meetings. well its only two but I can now use that time to sleep! woot!

I´ve turned into the official translator for all meetings, like translating on the fly. Its really tough at times, but its a lot of fun and it helps me really learn the spanish. But yeah its just me and I can do fairly well until they start sharing personal stories that I don´t have the vocabulary for. Then I just kinda say what I think is going on because usually I can some of it. The gift is tongues is such a real thing that I´m experiencing right now. Like I would not be making so much progress if the Spirit wasn´t so strong here.

I really like my new teachers, they are very powerful and really know what is helpful out in the field. I´m learning a lot from them.

Today we finally got to go to the temple, it was entirely in spanish so I got a headset, I listened with one ear in english and one ear in spanish. I understood most of the spanish though, just a few things here and there that I didn´t know.

I can´t believe the olympics are over already. like time has been flying by so fast, oh man and in 2 weeks I will be out in the field. Holy cow. How crazy is that?

Love you all!
Elder Patrik Connole

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